Void Elf Flying Mount

Void Elf Flying Mount Average ratng: 6,1/10 531 votes

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Void Elf Flying Mount

How to:. Writing your message here(/s). results inTOOLS AND RESOURCES.-.-.-.-.-WARCRAFT SUBREDDITS.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-LORE SUBREDDITS.-.-.-.-SEARCH FILTERS.-.-.-.-.-. Obviously many of these mounts are already in the game.

I'm thinkingHuman-Eagle(?)(tough one)Dwarf-GryphonGnome-GyrocopterNight elf-HyppogryphDraenie- Giant Moth?Worgen- Tough one, maybe an owl?Orc-WyvernTroll-BatTauren- Some kind of large spirit bird?(Tough)Forsaken- Gargoyle or skeletal gryphonBlood Elf-DragonhawkGoblin- Some kind of flying machinePandaren- Kite/ Celestial Dragon/ Giant Bird?BONUSVoid Elves- Void Hawks? LolLightforged- Lightforged Warframe?Dark Iron- Some kind of flaming gryphon? Tough.Mag'har- 3 headed chimera/wyvern thing from draenorHighmountain- Great EagleNightborne- Flying Mana Sabers/ Giant Owls/ Mana wyrms?. Humans: Probably Gryphons. Sims 4 rotate objects freely. They have more roots with Dwarves, but they've become so inextricably linked with Humans that I think they're just as fitting with them as well.Draenei: Only thing I could imagine would be a non-Fel Corrupted Mana Ray. I don't know why Moths were associated with them in BC, especially considering that relationship has completely disappeared since then.Worgen: Probably a Raven, considering that their entire thing is based around living in a dark Victorian English city.

You know what's associated with darkness and the English? Ravens.Tauren: Probably a Wyvern too. They and Orcs started using them at the same time, and they are good friends with each other on most occasions.

If they're going to share anything, it's a love for Wyverns.Goblin: Probably a small Zepplin. They created them, and if any race is going to model their racial mount around one of their most successful creations, it'd be the Goblins.Pandaren: Cloud Serpents.

They're a pretty big part of Pandaren society, at least the Pandaren in the Jade Forest.Void Elf: Void Dragonhawk. If everything else about them is basically 'Blood Elves with Void,' I don't see much of a reason why their flying mount would be any different.Nightborne: Magic flying Mana Saber. I don't think they really have any association with anything else.

Nightborne mount

The main dwarf race are Bronzebeards. They aren't really as big on gryphons as the Wildhammers, remember: 'Keep yer feet on the ground.' I'd probably have them fly a plane, Ironforge has an airfield after all. Gnomes should of course get a gyrocopter.With the absence of clan Wildhammer as it is right now, humans should get the gryphon. The imagery fits them terribly well, it's an eagle AND a lion!

Plus, it makes me think of Warcraft's Warhammer roots; Karl Franz and that kind of thing. Which is fun.:)Unless we're saving them for the Zandalari, troll should go with the dinosaur mounts, you know like the one from the ToT meta.The Lightforged Warframe all but is the AotL mount as far as I'm concerned.

The Lightforged Draenei are an army, so their mount should be a weapon in itself. Besides, it works very well with their Space Marine flair. Zandalari and Kul Tirans could just use the beasts their Druid's flying forms are based on.So these flying dinosaurs for the Zandalari and the Kul Tirans could just twist and weave some wood until it resembles a bird, put flying magic in it and there you go, a flying mount.Though all Kul Tirans will be envious of Jaina, as she just went to her father's sunken ship and said 'Yep, that's my mount now. With arcane canons.' About the tough ones:Tauren shouldn't get eagles too, if we want to avoid redundancy( as the Highmountain will definetely get them) and it must be sturdy enough to hold a Tauren.

So something magic-y like spirits aren't a bad call.Same for humans, griphons are more dwarve-y and aside from that we don't have much on them. Maybe some sort giant ravens as a nod to the Guardians?.