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If you don't want to wade through it all, at least search this page for the phrase 'Key tip', as these bits are particularly useful.Subscribe to the Mineways mailing list - it's for only important announcements, such as new version releases. Email: Announcement archive Installation - simple! Opening Worlds and Schematics - how to view your world. Mapping - lots of ways to change the view and what you see.

Selecting a Region - define a 3D box in your world for export. Exporting Models and Maps - basics of exporting. Displaying with G3D - free viewer ideal for most Mineways rendering exports. Color Schemes - change object colors or make them invisible. 'My Model's Too Expensive!'

- how to keep it cheap. Export Options - rendering-related export options shown on the giant dialog.

Material Export Texture Export Blurry Textures Wavefront OBJ File Export Options G3D Full Material Create Composite Overlay Faces Center Model Around the Origin Tree Leaves Solid Exporting to 3D print - in-depth coverage of 3D print options. TileMaker - how to make your own custom texture terrainExt.png files. Rendering Tips - help for importing to different renderers. Blender 3DS MAX Maya Cinema 4D Publish to Sketchfab - how to make your creations immediately available to all. 3D Print Services - Shapeways, Sculpteo, and more Shapeways - two key tricks to use the site effectively. Sculpteo - some options you may not know.

Zebra Imaging - make a color hologram. Looking Glass Factory - make a Lucite block with your model embedded in it. Scripting - how to automate and simplify many Minecraft processes. Related Resources - model viewers, world editors, and worlds to try out Stuff to Print - where to get models and worlds. Other Packages - other model exporters and related software.

Minecraft Bedrock Support - how to convert Bedrock worlds for use in Mineways. Keyboard Shortcut Keys - along with quick descriptions of various features. Block Types Supported - how various block types are exported. Version History Wish List Links - useful links to Mineways-related information. Credits - who did what.InstallationInstallation is trivial: download and unzip (using 7-Zip or other decompressor) to some directory, like the desktop.Uninstall: just delete the directory. If you created color schemes, there will be a few small entries in the registry, If you are fanatical and want to clean these out, search for 'Mineways' in your registry editor and you'll find them.Double-click the mineways.exe to run the program.Opening Worlds and SchematicsThere are many ways to open a Minecraft world or schematic file in Mineways.

If one doesn't work for you, try the next.File Open World: In the 'File' menu header there is 'Open World'. Click (or hover) and move to the right to select your world.

These are the worlds in your '%appdata%.minecraftsaves' directory. The worlds are listed by their (not necessarily unique) given names on the left, their folder on the right, and arranged alphabetically by these folders. If you want to specify a different directory for where your world saves are located, use the '-s' option on the command line on startup; see the command line options.If you want to export any particular block, use File Open and select the 'Block Test World' - this is an internally-generated 'world' of blocks, with each block type listed from west to east in block ID order (for 1.12 and earlier; for 1.13 on I've assigned values greater than 255 in a somewhat sensible fashion), and with variants shown from north to south by their data values. To select a single block, find it, right-click it, then hit ' to move the bottom level up by one, thus selecting only the block itself and not the surrounding grass.Here's a view of a small portion of Block Test World exported to OBJ and rendered with Cinema 4D:If you can't find your world in the list, you can select 'Find your world.' At the bottom, which is the same as doing.File Open.: This option is for opening schematic files and worlds. Navigate to wherever your schematic or world is stored and select the level.dat file.

On Windows, the default folder for world save files is '%appdata%.minecraftsaves'; for Mac it's '/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/'. A pro tip: if you save or rename your schematic file to have the world 'repeat' in it, e.g., rename 'eiffel.schematic' to 'eiffelRepeat.schematic', the schematic will load and be repeated across the map, with a minimum one block gap between each model.

This can be useful if you want to create a single 3D print file that has multiple copies of the model. Also, for schematics, only, Control-A will select the whole schematic model. NOTE: the new schematic file format introduced by FAWE for 1.13 data is currently not supported in Mineways.File Import Settings: If you've previously exported a model from your world or schematic, you can select this data file (.OBJ,.WRL, or for STL export, the.TXT file generated) with Import Settings. Doing so will not only open your world, but will also set all the previous export settings you used to make this export file, including the color scheme and the terrain file chosen.When you import a file's settings, the settings affect only the particular file type. For example, if you read in a WRL file for 3D printing, its settings will not affect OBJ rendering export (or even OBJ 3D printing export, for export settings specific to OBJ files, such as material output). This feature is backward compatible to Mineways 2.0, though features added since then will be given default values.

The two exceptions are that the 'Create a ZIP' and 'create files themselves' export settings are not changed when settings are imported.One other extremely useful type of file that Import Settings can read in is a script file. You can create script files to automatically perform all sorts of operations, including special ways of modifying blocks during export. See the scripting documentation for more information.The first image is a schematic pikachu7795240.schematic loaded via 'File Open.'

In the second the schematic is renamed pikachu7795240repeat.schematic and loaded. The word 'repeat' in the file name tips off Mineways to repeat the object. Also, I typed Control-A to select a single copy of the schematic.Here is a 3x3 set of objects output and viewed with G3D:MappingHere's basic map use:Press F3 to take you to your player's location. Scroll around by dragging with the left mouse button, WASD keys, or arrow keys. Zoom in on an area by the mouse scroll wheel, Page Up/Page Down keys, or Q/E keys.

Mouse over a block and look at the bottom of the screen to see its location and ID. (Note that a coordinate like '-76' means '-75 to -76'; '4' means '4 to 5'). 'Y' is the height. Use the slider at the top of the window to slice away all blocks above the given altitude. You can play Minecraft while using Mineways. In Mineways press the 'r' key to load your world again, showing whatever changes you made. Search the menu for other options.

Some quick notes on these less-descriptive options:The 'hide obscured' option removes all blocks above the first air found in caves, making it easier to see the caves themselves. This option is turned on when first viewing the Nether.The 'give more export memory' frees memory as possible while exporting. It is mostly meant for the 32-bit version (on Mac or Linux). This option might allow you to export a large model you normally couldn't, at the cost of a slower export.Selecting a RegionTo create a 3D file for viewing or printing you first select a 3D box in your world. Whatever is in this box is exported.

Hold down the right mouse button (or left mouse and Control key) and drag to define a selection area. Key tip: once a region is defined, you can then use the right mouse button to select an edge or corner and drag to fine-tune the rectangle.

Hit the space bar to automatically adjust the depth to something reasonable, if need be. Pro users: Using the mousewheel with the Control key down changes the depth; using it with Shift down changes the visible height (this second mode can be slow, since the map is regenerated).Once you make a selection, you may get a dialog as shown below. Mineways will detect when what you see is not what you'll get. It will ask if you want to set the depth so that everything you can see from above that you have selected will be exported.Example Region Selection: At first, the selected area excludes some terrain visible from above, as the current depth is too high.

Choosing 'yes' lowers this depth and adjusts the slider Note that sometimes the adjusted depth becomes too low, for example when the selection includes a deep hole. In photo above, the depth has been increased to the point where some terrain is now unselected. Bright pink shows terrain exactly at this depth. By default, the heights used for the rectangular block are from y=63 (sea level) to y=255. The upper slider determines the visibility height, but usually you'll leave this one alone. You'll normally use it for viewing or selecting areas fully underground or in the Nether (or poking around your map to look for diamonds and other hidden treasures).The selected export depth can be changed in a number of ways, even when no area is selected.

The depth slider is the simplest way to modify this value. If you click the middle mouse button on a location, the depth is set to its height. The and keys shift the depth by one, and so are useful for tuning. The spacebar will also select a reasonable depth for your selection volume, based on visibility (water is considered invisible, so that the bottom of lakes will be solid). Holding shift while tapping the spacebar will treat water and glass as opaque, useful for 3D printing. See the full shortcut key list for more options.Key tip: to see what you're doing, export the model and view with a viewer.

I usually work by adjusting the box size and export options in Mineways, export, then viewing the file in G3D (which reloads the viewed file when you tap the 'r' key) or, for.WRL files, MeshLab (unfortunately, their Alt-R reload doesn't clear out the previously-loaded file) to see the results. Open 3D Model Viewer is another free, solid viewer.Exporting Models and MapsIf you want to render the model, select 'Export for Rendering' from the File menu, or use Control-R, and save your file. The resulting file(s) can then be imported into a huge variety of 3D modelers and viewers, e.g., Blender. See this section for instructions for various popular modelers.You can select 'Export Model for 3D Printing', Control-P, to create a model suitable for sending to a 3D printer. Even if you don't have a 3D printer, you can still get it printed, usually for a reasonable price.

See the next section for how to get going.The big difference between rendering and printing is that 3D print models must be solid and well-formed. Currently Mineways treats all blocks as solid, full blocks: half-steps or stairs are treated as blocks, as is every other block. There is also no transparency for the materials, since printers do not currently support this type of creation. Models for rendering can, when full texturing is on, include billboard models for flowers, saplings, crops, and other elements. Note that the billboard locations are added in comments to the output.OBJ and.WRL files. In this way, a dedicated modeler could substitute his own elaborate grass, flower, or other models in place of the simple billboards Minecraft provides.To make your model immediately viewable on the web in 3D, choose the third option 'Publish to Sketchfab.' Mineways directly uploads your model to the Sketchfab site and makes it displayable to everyone.

It's fun and easy, honestly. Go here for detailed instructions.The next option is 'Export Schematic', which allows you to then import your model to another world by using WorldEdit orMCEdit. Note that Mineways can read any old-style schematic file by using 'File Open.'

.Schematic files are commonly used to share constructions among builders. Tools such as WorldEdit orMCEdit can be used to import them into other worlds, make duplicates, and many other operations.

You can also upload and share these files on sites such as Planet Minecraft. Signs will not have text, chests will lose their contents, objects such as paintings are not exported, and heads are turned into pumpkins.

Currently no export options beyond the dimensions and the rotation angle affect schematic export in Mineways, and the rotation angle only partially works, mostly for full blocks that do not have any orientation. In other words, the orientation angle will rotate the model as a whole, but each individual block will not be rotated: stair steps and signs will still go the old direction, rails get 'interesting,' and so on. I'd avoid it. Also, 1.13 and newer elements will export as grass blocks and a warning is issued, since the standard schematic format does not support these.' Export Map' is simple: whatever area you have selected is exported to a PNG-format image file, named as you wish.

The zoom level affects the result, though will differ slightly from what you see on the screen for boring reasons. While you can manually export any portion of the map manually, the real power is from using scripting. You can make a simple text file to specify more than one map.

Each map can be set to display a different part of your world, or even a different layer, by adjusting the maximum Y height. See (and run) the sample file 'scripting/makemaptiles.mwscript' for an example that creates four adjacent 1000x1000 maps centered around location 0,0.

If you want to edit these maps, consider using ImageMagick, which lets you perform all sorts of annotations and much more.See the file 'scripting/makeslicemaps.mwscript' for making a series of layers that you can turn into an animation. You can then make animations like this (and at a slower speed ):Displaying with G3D Once you have a model for rendering, you might want to preview it before importing it to 3D modeler. If you are using Wavefront OBJ files (the default) and not exporting separate tiles, I recommend the free G3D viewer (pro tip: hold the Alt key down and use WASD to move fast in G3D). This viewer now recognizes a special tag in the OBJ's material description that makes Mineways models display with the classic blocky Minecraft look. If you are export separate tiles, I suggest the Open 3D Model Viewer. If you use VRML or STL files, MeshLab is a fine free viewer for these other formats. See some other viewer options here.

Download this special version of G3D here. Unzip and run, then drop your.OBJ file on to the window to view it.

Simpler yet, you can set up your Windows system to view.OBJ files with G3D when double-clicked. Just run register-G3D-viewer64-run-as-administrator.bat one time as administrator (see these instructions to learn how).Camera controls: WASD for normal movement, ZC for up and down, QE for swivel. Hold down Shift to go more slowly, Alt to go fast. Escape to quit.Aside from being a lovely renderer, G3D has additional features such as making a screenshot (F4) and recording a video (F6). The master G3D site is here.Here's an example, side to side, of a lot of the blocks in Minecraft. G3D displaying an OBJ rendering file: Color Schemes Color schemes allows you to change the color for any block, and - extremely useful for 3D printing - remove any blocks you want from view.

Key tip: you can eliminate all glass from your model by setting its alpha to 0 in a color scheme. This part of this video shows how to use color schemes to do this.How do use a color scheme: From the menu, Add a new color scheme, then Edit it. Change the name 'Color Scheme' at the top of the dialog that pops up to something useful, then select any block type to edit it. Color is given in hexadecimal color format.

You can use MWSnap (old but free), FastStone Capture (new but costs $20), or other programs to find the hexadecimal (e.g., #787878) color value of any pixel on your screen. 'Alpha' says how opaque a block will appear on the screen, with 255 meaning fully opaque and 0 meaning fully transparent (invisible). Blocks with an alpha of 0 will be deleted when exporting. You can turn off export of all blocks by using the 'Hide All Blocks' button. This feature allows you to create separate parts, e.g., a glass roof could be created by then turning on just glass export.

The 'Hide Tree Blocks' hides all log and leaf blocks, making printing of 3D terrain simpler (trees are sometimes hard to print well).Changing the color will affect the 3D print model's color for only the 'solid material colors' and 'richer color textures' export modes; 'full color texture patterns' (the default on the export dialog) will not be affected (except water, a little bit). To change full color textures' colors, you need to edit the input terrainExt.png itself. See TileMaker.' My Model's Too Expensive!' If you export to 3D print and upload to Shapeways, you might be surprised to find that the price is sometimes just shy of a used car.

For example, this model of our spawn area is 15 x 9.8 inches in size (about 190 x 125 blocks, 2 mm wide), and costs $633.14. Expensive models happen because either the model is too small, or too large.

The problem with models with only a few blocks in them is that you'll then scale it up to see it: each block itself is then massive. You have to pay for each block's volume. Mineways can't help you much there, you'll need to use a CAD program to hollow out your object manually. Shapeways has a tutorial on hollowing.The more common problem you can hit is the blocks are not small enough.This happens with larger models, those 100+ hour darlings you sweated over in Minecraft. The cause is that, by default, Mineways exports the model to print at a safe size. Colored sandstone has a thin wall dimension of 2 millimeters. This means if some wall in your model is less than 2 mm thick, it is in danger of breaking into pieces if printed in color.Rule of thumb: colored sandstone has a cost of $6 for every thousand blocks printed at the default 2 mm/block.

There's a fixed cost of $3 per model, and $6.50 shipping. For example, if you want to spend $50, at this scale your model can have about 6750 blocks, after subtracting the fixed costs.There are some solutions to the price problem:Switch to the white and flexible physical material.

Choose this material in the options dialog on export and the thin wall minimum drops to 0.7 mm. This brings the price (and size) of your model down, from about $6.00 per thousand blocks to $0.48 per thousand.

You do lose color printout, but can paint the model yourself. Your model should print safely.Print it smaller and cross your fingers. Change 'Make each block 2 mm high' to 'Make each block 1 mm high', for example: at 1 mm/block, you can print 8 times as many blocks as 2 mm/block: $0.75 per thousand blocks. I like this scale a lot, it's cute. Two examples: World in a Bowl and Sentinel Castle.

If you don't have any tree trunks (which at 1 mm will snap right off ), thin walls, or other filigree, the model should be fine. You can remove trees from your model by using a color scheme that makes leaves and logs invisible.

See this video, which shows how to make glass blocks invisible; just do the same with logs and leaves. At worst, at 1 mm other little bits might break off.

Companion cubes will print with no problems, models of ships with thin masts and lanyards are much less likely to survive. Keep going smaller until you like the price, or simpler yet, just choose the scaling option 'Aim for a cost of $25.00' or whatever you want. Note that Shapeways itself might refuse to print your model if they believe some parts are too thin to support the structure; here's an example where Shapeways decided the support struts were not thick enough.Learn more about the options below. Proper use of 'fill bubbles' and 'super-hollow' can easily combine to reduce your costs by 2/3rds. 'Seal off entrances' and 'Fill in isolated tunnels' can also help. These options are extremely useful for going to a smaller scale but still having thick enough walls.


The strategy I like is to have the interior of the building get filled with blocks by using 'fill bubbles' and then have 'super-hollow' remove most of these blocks, leaving a shell that's thick enough to print. Long and short, don't print what you can't see.By the way, I hear 'it would be cheaper using LEGOs' a fair bit. LEGO blocks cost around 4-5 cents a block, 2 mm colored sandstone 3D printed blocks run about 6/10th of a cent.

There are advantages to LEGOs (larger, reusable, fun to make) and disadvantages (no textures, not perfect cubes), but LEGO cost is not an advantage.By default, Wavefront OBJ.obj (and.mtl) files are exported for rendering, VRML97 (aka VRML2) for 3D printing. Here's the rundown of the various file types you can select, including some subtleties about each. If you want to export to the glTF format, one indirect way is to upload to Sketchfab, make the model downloadable, then download from there.OBJ, absolute: Wavefront OBJ is an old format, so is commonly supported as an import format for a huge range of applications. If you export materials, a corresponding.mtl file is output; if you export textures, one or more.png files are also created. The.obj and.mtl files are text files, so can be edited or processed further. By selecting 'absolute' for the OBJ file, indices are absolute (positive), the norm. This is the format to use for export for upload to Sculpteo.

See other export choices in the OBJ file export options documentation.OBJ, relative: relative indices are used on faces. These allow you to concatenate two or more OBJ files into a single OBJ file.Binary STL: This file format is commonly used by 3D printers. It normally is used for single-color materials, but the exporter will use either the Materialise Magics or VisCAM format to attach colors to triangles - see this article.

I recommend using VisCAM's variant, as MeshLab will then display the proper model colors. When STL files, binary or ASCII, are exported a corresponding.txt file is generated with information about the model. This same data is included in the beginning of the.obj and.wrl files themselves. This text file can be read back into Mineways using 'Import Settings' to set everything back the way it was set before.ASCII text STL: A variant for 3D printers, the file generated is considerably larger than the binary form and cannot include color. The main advantage is that this file type is a simple text file and so can be easily edited. The format is trivial and so can provide a raw set of triangles for a model.VRML97: Also known as VRML2 or VRML 2.0. While this format has been superseded by X3D, it is commonly supported by a wide range of packages.

That said, its main reason for existence here is that it's the only file format that Shapeways uses for colored models. The.wrl and.png file created are put into a zip file and uploaded to Shapeways for printing - see more about this process below. The VRML file produced is tailored toward making a single texture for printing. Note: Shapeways will properly preview all VRML output modes other than 'solid material colors', where it has a limit of 16 different colors. These colored models will print fine, however.VRML97: Also known as VRML2 or VRML 2.0. While this format has been superseded by X3D, it is commonly supported by a wide range of packages.

That said, its main reason for existence here is that it's the only file format that Shapeways uses for colored models. The.wrl and.png file created are put into a zip file and uploaded to Shapeways for printing - see more about this process below. The VRML file produced is tailored toward making a single texture for printing. Note: Shapeways will properly preview all VRML output modes other than 'solid material colors', where it has a limit of 16 different colors. These colored models will print fine, however.Export optionsThere is a bewildering dialog that pops up on export, with a ton of options. You can blithely ignore this dialog and always just click OK (or the Enter key). However, some of the options are extremely useful, so plow on if you want to make sure your model is good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it people will like it.World coordinates selection: you can see and change the 3D volume of space to export from your world.

If you want to know the location of a place in your world, use the F3 key when playing Minecraft. Note that negative values like -5.239 will round down to -6.

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