Set Fso Createobjectscripting.filesystemobject Alternative

Set Fso Createobjectscripting.filesystemobject Alternative Average ratng: 6,7/10 5346 votes

I'm trying to use a combination of scripts and batch files to automate some tasks I do when setting up computers. I need to open a specific file in notepad, search for some text, and when it finds that text, replace it with something else. Dim fso As FileSystemObject Set fso = New FileSystemObject ' Dim fso As Object ' Set fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') ' fso を使用 Set fso = Nothing ' 後始末として必須 Nothing を忘れると FileSystemObject のインスタンスがメモリ上に残り続けるメモリリークという現象が発生する可能.

Set fso createobjectscripting.filesystemobject alternative school

Using Objects with VBScriptTo use objects in VBScript, you first need to create an instance of an objectand store its reference in a VBScript variable. Then, the methods and propertiesof the object can be accessed using variable.propertyname orvariable.methodname. This is easier to demonstrate than explain, sohere's an example (this is a short script that tells whether your C: drivehas a folder named windows): set fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')if fso.FolderExists('c:windows') thenWScript.echo 'There is a folder named Windows'end ifIn the first line of the script, we create an instance of aScripting.FileSystemObject. This is an object class provided with WSHthat has handy properties and methods you can use when examining andmanipulating disks and files.Except for the word set, this looks just like a typical call to afunction with the returned value being assigned to a variable. That's justwhat it is. CreateObject is a function that creates a new objectinstance. What's new is the word set, which VBScript requires youto use to indicate that an object reference is being stored rather than aregular value.In general, the syntax to create an object instance in VBScript is set variablename = CreateObject('objectname')where variablename is the variable you want to use to hold the objectreference, and objectname is the type of object you want to create.In the second line of the example, we use the FolderExists method tofind out whether a specified folder exists.

Remember that methods and propertiesare just like regular functions and subroutines; they just happen to'live' in a separate program that provides the object class. Thepresence of fso.

Before FolderExists tells VBScriptthat the FolderExists function is part of the object class to whichfso refers, which in this example isScripting.FileSystemObject.Some properties and methods take arguments, as you saw withFolderExists. When they do, you have to use parentheses in the same wayyou would with any other VBScript function or subroutine call.

If the method orproperty returns a function value, you must use parentheses: variable ='arguments', 'in', 'parens')If a method doesn't return a value, you can omit the parentheses: object.method 'arguments', 'without', 'parens'Does this look familiar? We used objects all through the VBScript tutorial inChapter 2, in statements such as this: WScript.echo 'Today's date is', dateNow, you should be able to recognize that WScript is an objectvariable and that echo is one of its methods. We never needed to useCreateObject to get WScript set up, though, because VBScriptprovides it automatically. The WScript object has several other handy methodsand properties that we'll discuss later in this chapter.As mentioned earlier, some properties and methods return another object astheir value. For example, Scripting.FileSystemObject has aGetFile method that returns a File object. The Fileobject can then be used to examine and manipulate the file.

Here's asample script that gives the size and creation date of the program filewindowsnotepad.exe: set fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')set file = fso.GetFile('c:windowsnotepad.exe ')WScript.echo 'Notepad.exe was created on', file.DateCreatedWScript.echo 'and is', file.Size, 'bytes long'The first line is the same as in the previous script, and it creates aninstance of the helpful Scripting.FileSystemObject.The second line asks the FileSystemObject to return a Fileobject representing the file c:windowsnotepad.exe. Because I want touse this object several times, I saved it in the variable file, usingthe set keyword.

(Although file is a reserved word in VisualBasic, it's not in VBScript, so it's available for use as a variablename.)The next two lines use the File object's DateCreatedand Size properties. Because these functions don't need arguments,there are no parentheses. The returned date/time and numeric values are printedby the WScript.echo method. On my computer, this prints thefollowing: Notepad.exe was created on 4/1/2001 7:27:08 AMand is 50960 bytes long Automation and Document FilesThe GetObject function may be used to obtain an object thatrepresents some already existing document file, through a process calledAutomation.

NOTEIf you need to, you can refer to other objects inside the Withstatement by using the fully spelled-out object.method.etc syntax. Releasing ObjectsWhen you create an object, Windows activates the object's class serverprogram to manage the object for you. In the case ofScripting.FileSystemObject, you will usually create one of theseobjects at the beginning of your script and use it throughout.

When your scriptcompletes, Windows releases the object you've created. The class serverprogram takes care of freeing up its memory and other housekeeping chores.

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Youreally don't have to worry about it at all.However, if you use a script to create multiple objects, you may find thatit's appropriate to explicitly release them when you are through usingthem. For instance, a script that creates multiple Word documents should tellWord to close each document when you're finished with it, lest you end upwith hundreds of documents open at once.You can explicitly tell an object that you're finished with it byassigning the value Nothing to the variable that holds the objectreference. Later in this book, you will see examples of this in some of thesample scripts.

Working with CollectionsIf you ask Scripting.FileSystemObject for the files or subfolderscontained in a folder or drive, it may need to return multiple File orFolder objects. In order to manage this, it actually returns a singlecollection object that contains all the File or Folderobjects inside it. You can then examine the contents of the collection to lookat the individual items.A collection object has a Count property that tells how many itemsare inside and an Item method that returns a specific item from thecollection.

This would lead you to expect that you could write a script likethis to print the names of the files of the root folder on your hard drive: set fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')set files = fso.GetFolder('c:').Filesfor i = 1 to files.CountWScript.echo files.Item(i).NamenextHowever, this script doesn't work. With a folder colection,Item doesn't allow you to retrieve items by number. It requiresyou to specify the name of the particular object you want, and if youdon't yet know the names, this isn't much very useful.So, to scan through collection objects, each scripting language provides away to scan through collections without knowing what they contain.

Set Fso Createobjectscripting.filesystemobject Alternative

VBScript, forexample, provides a special version of the For loop called ForEach.PatternTo scan through a collection object named collection inVBScript, use the For Each loop as follows: for each objectvar in collection.statements using objectvarnextThe For Each loop runs through the statements once for each objectin the collection, and the variable objectvar will be made torefer to each of the individual objects in turn. Using For Each, andusing a variable named file to hold the individual file objects, ourfolder-listing script will now work: set fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')set files = fso.GetFolder('c:').Filesfor each file in filesWScript.echo file.NamenextYou could even use the following: set fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')for each file in fso.GetFolder('c:').FilesWScript.echo file.NamenextNow, if you don't plan on writing scripts in any other languages, skipahead to the section titled of this chapter for more information aboutthe built-in WScript object.